Keywords selection for any website has its own value. This procedure is going on from a long time ago. But according to changes in Google algorithm it is changes day by day. It is helpful both for website ranking and for the search engine optimizers which optimize a particular website using different techniques. Now we are going to discuss keyword selection. There are different steps to be determined while selecting relevant keywords.
Chose the Relevant Keyword:
Keywords relevancy is the basic factor while choosing the keywords for any website. While searching user actually search a particular product or service in any search engine then it gives a list, which is indexed earlier. So the list that user found is so close to his search, which is known as relevancy. So while selecting the keywords there should be relevancy which gives better ranking on any search engine.
Low Competition:
While selecting the keywords there should be low competition so that the keyword selected can rank fast and properly. If you choose a keyword which have high competition takes a lot of time for ranking upon any search engine.
High Search Volume:
The keyword which you are going to select should have high search volume so that maximum visitor can come to the targeted website. On the other hand, if he/she selects the keyword, which have low search volume cannot attract so many visitors to target website.
Keyword Popularity:
Choose the keyword, which is highly popular so that maximum visitors come across to the targeted website. This technique is usually used by a search engine optimizer. Rare keywords also helpful to increase maximum number of clicks to the website, which give in terms of good revenue.
Keyword Phrase:
If any keyword, have a higher competition then you can choose the keyword phrase instead of that keyword. For example, if you have a keyword like,"SEO Tutorial for you" you can choose the keyword phrase like , "SEO Tutorial 4 u". Which gives same result on the search engine as it gives to the first keyword.
Long Tail Keyword:
Long tail keyword also suggested by the SEO tutorial to choose while keyword selection. Long tail keyword also helpful to increase traffic to your website and also helpful for user to find the query what he wants to search for.
I hope this SEO tutorial will helpful for you and the search engine optimizers. Wish you good luck.